On Tuesday, April 22nd CN Wood/Wood Co. of 22 North Maple Street was granted a Special Permit for an addition to their building with the help of the Woburn Chamber of Commerce.
The Restaurant located at 489 Main Street was also issued a Special Permit for interior renovations with the help of the Woburn Chamber of Commerce.
The Meet & Greet held at the Café Escadrille on April 23rd was a great success. We had an attendance of 70 plus people. A big thank you to Robert Murray of the Café Escadrille for hosting the event. We look forward to our continued relationship with Murray Hills Inc.
Michael Meaney attended the City Council meeting on April 28th to support Herb Chambers in acquiring a lot of land on Cambridge & Locust Streets to provide extra parking. The benefits of additional parking would create more jobs, increase revenue and taxes for the town. Herb Chambers has proven to be a good neighbor, they donate to the schools and maintain an island on Locust & Willow Street. The board voted to Continue the issue until more negotiations could be held with the abutting neighbors .
The Woburn Chamber of Commerce also spoke in favor of North Woburn Truck Parts continuing their business as a scrap metal manufacturer. The Board voted to Continue this issue until the next meeting.