We want to thank all members and their friends, co-workers, colleagues, family members and everyone else who showed up to support Woburn’s finest local businesses in our very successful Expo this year. Also, a very special thanks should go out to those businesses that not only helped sponsor the event, but made the whole event such an invaluable one for all the attendees.
If you missed it, anyone who was there can tell you that a great time was had by all! We nonetheless look forward to seeing you at our upcoming network gatherings or future events! Below is a preview of the photos but to see the whole gallery, head over to our Facebook page and be sure to give us a “Like” while you’re there!
[gdlr_button href=”https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.725807304178584.1073741826.296563033769682&type=1″ target=”_blank” size=”medium” background=”#000000″ color=”#ffffff”]See Entire Gallery[/gdlr_button]
Also be sure to check out this video provided by Woburn Public Media Center, who was nice enough to cover the event and interview the great businesses who represented the Woburn community at the Expo! Feel free to share the video with your friends and family!