Entries by Madeline DiMauro

A Successful DISC Sales Seminar

Greg Nanigian and Associates ran a DISC sales seminar Lunch and Learn for the Woburn Chamber. Greg Nanigian and Jeff Morgenthaler spoke to approximately 18 people and lunch was served by Apple Spice and the space was donated by McLane Middleton Law Firm. The groups were split into Owls, Parrots, Eagles, and Doves to show the differences in types of […]


Flip the Bird Ribbon Cutting

Flip the Bird on Main Street in North Woburn opened recently and joined the Woburn Chamber. Victoria Farnsworth, Anthony Marino and some staff gather with Chris Kisiel, Charlie Melia, Jessie Bencosme, John Casey, Rob Klein, Nisha Jahku, Mike Ogasapian, Theresa Failla, Joe Ciulla, Jeff Starr, B Rosario, Nora Oliver, and Economic Development Manager Casey Hagerty. Flip […]

Thank You, Dave and Buster’s!

Dave and Buster’s Assistant Kitchen Manager, Darryl Nowlan, on behalf of his company, accepts a thank you plaque from the Woburn Chamber of Commerce. The BOD meets there once a month, has had many events there, and Dave and Buster’s have been a member for many years. The WCC wanted to thank them for all they do. […]

Congratulations to the Woburn Host Lions Club, February’s Business of the Month!

Congratulations to the Chamber’s February Business of the Month, Woburn Host Lions Club! The Lions host many community events in Woburn including the Halloween Parade, the Monster Dash, A Taste of Spring, and more! The funds they raise benefit Lions Eye Research. VP of the Chamber Rob Klein with Lions President Rob Toro and Past President, Mayor Mike […]

Ribbon Cutting at Cataldo Education Center

At the recent ribbon cutting at Cataldo Education Center. Front Row: Todd Miller (Cataldo CFO), Chris Kisiel (Woburn Chamber Exec Director), and Jessie Bencosme (WCC Board Member and Exec Director of the Council of Social Concern). Back Row: Kevin Turner (Cataldo COO), Keith Gauvreau (ALS Educator), Rob Klein (VP of the WCC of Copy-Pro), Chelsea Callahan (Clinical Education Coordinator), Nick Metcalf (Lead […]

Great Speed Networking Event with over 110 Participants!

Workbar sponsored and hosted a great Speed Networking event for five chambers recently, including Woburn. Over 110 participants spent a few minutes each round meeting 50-60 other members and then mingled the night away after the speed round. Word was everyone had a great time! Thanks to all the Executive Directors from Reading, Wakefield, Winchester, Melrose, Stoneham […]