
Employee Education Starts January 22nd

Dear Employer,

      When I outreach to employers in the Metro North Workforce Board region one of the number one issues brought up is retention of quality employees.  Employers inevitably tell me that turnover is an issue and they would love to find ways to keep their employees engaged and invested in their companies.  Would you be interested in learning more about how you can train, reward and retain your current staff? The Mass Hire Metro North Workforce Board in conjunction with Bunker Hill Community College is offering a 4-week, 50 hour Retail/Hospitality Management Training that provides a $550 stipend to successful graduates of the course.  This is an opportunity to grow the skill set of your current workforce, and identify employees looking to move forward in their jobs, by providing a free training that pays them for attending.

         Students attending this program will learn basic Accounting and Math for Retail, Professional Communication and Computer Applications.   Each class is co-taught by professors at Bunker Hill Community College and an Adult Basic Education Professor. This co-taught teaching method allows students who have English as a Second Language to learn and grow in their careers along with main stream students.  If you have an employee that needs additional English they are also eligible to attend a four-week, 48-hour training in January and then enroll in the February class. This ESL class also provides a stipend of $480 for students who complete and enroll in the February Retail Management Class.   

Employee education class runs Monday through Thursday from 3:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Students receive a schedule prior to the class so that their supervisors can adjust their work schedule accordingly.

       The Management Academy Training flyer (below) will provide more information about the training and ESL classes.  If you would like to refer an employee to the training or would like more information, you can contact me directly at 617-583-9140 or email me at   Thank you for your time and consideration.  I look forward to hearing from you.

Cyndy Chapin
Employer Partnership Coordinator
Mass Hire Metro North Workforce Board
186 Alewife Brook Parkway, Suite 216
Cambridge, MA  02184


Management Academy Training Flyer has further detail about the program. Please contact Cyndy Chapin with all inquiries and for registration.