Community Health Initiative Grant – Request for Proposal!
Winchester Hospital and Shields MRI recently submitted a joint application to the Department of Public Health to place an MRI unit onsite at Winchester Hospital. As part of the Determination of Need (DoN) process, Winchester Hospital has a unique opportunity to engage in a new program called the Community Health Initiative (CHI). The goal of the CHI is to:
collaborate with community partners to identify and address the unmet priority health needs in the community while considering the social determinants of health; the conditions where people live, work and play that influence health outcomes. A CHI workgroup, comprised of community partners with a regional focus, worked together to prioritize the unmet health needs and health inequities in the community and determine allocation of the funding.
As part of this process, WH collaborated with community partners with a regional and broad focus on health for the past several months to develop the attached RFP.
Winchester Hospital CHI Grant.
Funding in various denominations will be awarded as a one-time Grant for programs/initiatives that are implemented between February 2019 – February 2020.
Please note, priority consideration will be given to programs or services that:
- Most closely align with the identified health needs/issues listed in the RFP
- Address the social determinants of health and/or root causes of the health disparities
- Project clear goals and measurable health outcomes/impact
- Include collaboration between community partners/organizations
Proposals must be received no later than January 4, 2019.